Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 9am-12:30pm & 2:30pm-5pm

  Contact : 044 966 4256 | :

Occupational Health

Your staff are a valuable asset and their health and welfare are of paramount importance. A good occupational health service offers you important benefits. It can help you:

  • reduce absence
  • sustain and increase productivity
  • cut the cost of recruitment and training
  • reduce stress
  • help you maintain customer service
  • meet your legal requirements and reduce the possibility of legal action against you
  • show your workforce that you are a caring employer, which can help to improve motivation and goodwill.
  • Most important, it can help you increase profits – which means it can more
    than pay for itself.

A programme custom-built to your requirements

Your occupational health programme will be custom-built to your requirements and will be developed flexibly, which makes it very cost-effective because you never need to pay for anything which you don’t need.

It can include:

  • Pre-Placement screening

By ensuring new staff are not bringing chronic health problems to your company, which may affect their ability to carry out their jobs, you gain a significant improvement in the health of your workforce.

You may choose to test your senior staff more thoroughly to reflect your investment in their recruitment and training and their value to your company. We can offer executive pre-employment screens tailor-made for your requirements.

Health Screening

Preventative medicine is recognised as the way healthcare will have the most impact on our lives in the future. It is designed to:

  • Catch serious diseases early
  • Provide health education leading to improvements in lifestyle and work practice
  • Provide baseline results for future reference.

Providing health screening keeps your workforce healthy, shows the duty of care and makes your staff feel valued. It can be a valuable tool in staff recruitment and retention.

Long-Term Sickness Reviews

One of the significant causes of absenteeism is the small number of staff who go on long-term sick leave. In many cases, their GP does not provide adequate information and it can be very difficult to get a handle on the problem or to plan ahead.

Flu vaccinations

This is an occupational health function where the cost benefits are proven.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

In safety-sensitive industries, it may be necessary to prove your workforce is free of drugs and alcohol. We give expert advice in relation to this and provide random or general screening using the accepted chain of custody protocols. We also provide a rapid response service where required.

Specialist Health Checks and Industry-specific Risk Assessments

DCHC carry out the full range of industry-specific tests and inoculations, from, lung function testing or audiometry to vaccination for hepatitis or checking immunity levels.

 Our Clients

DCHC provides Occupational Health services for a large number of companies ranging in size from large organisations to businesses with only a handful of employees.

We already work with the following companies:

  • Westmeath County Council
  • Drommone Engineering
  • Westmeath Fire Service
  • Decotek Automotives
  • Traditional Meats Ltd
  • Dromone Engineering

For more detailed information on all our services, please contact us at or by telephone on 044 9664256.